Lohas Taiwan


Daily rental apartment in Taipei

愛台灣 2010/12/26

When you visit a country, you usually stay at Hotel or B&B.

Now you will have third option if you visit Taipei for a vacation.

Third option is what I call “Daily rental apartment”. This is different from Hotel and B&B.



Daily rental is usually located at Down town or along with Subway system.

Taipei B&B

Taipei B&B

It is easy for a travel to find. More than convenient location, it is also located in popular area. It will be easy to foreign traveller to enjoy the beauty of Taipei.

However, the most important point is the price is very affordable compared to hotel. Although the price is affordable, the stay quality of “Daily rental apartment” is clean and like

your own home. You will feel much comfortable when you stay at “Daily rental apartment”.

To stay at “Daily rental apartment” only costs you around USD$ 50 in weekdays and USD$ 55 for holiday.

You can get free internet access in the room.

I think this is quiet good for those backpack traveller.

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